What are the Types of Dungeons in Mythic +15 boost?

Dungeons in World of Warcraft are a staple game, providing players with exciting challenges, loot, and rewards. Mythic + dungeons, in particular, offer an even great challenge and the potential for even greater rewards. As players progress through higher and higher Mythic+ levels, they’ll encounter various other dungeon types, each with unique challenges and rewards.

Mythic+ dungeons are essentially timed runs of the standard Mythic dungeons, with difficulty increased based on the level of the key used to access them. A mythic +15 boost dungeon is among the most challenging difficulty levels players can take on, and the types of dungeons players will encounter at this level are:


This dungeon is located in Zuldazar, and players will encounter trolls and undead creatures as they make their way through. One of the most challenging aspects of this dungeon is the final boss in mythic +15 boost, Yazma, who has several dangerous abilities that players will need to be aware of. However, successfully defeating Yazma will reward players with some excellent loot.


This dungeon takes place in the pirate city of Tiragarde Sound and is filled with various pirates, including the final boss, Harlan Sweete. One of the challenges players will face in Freehold is navigating through the various traps and hazards littered throughout the dungeon. Completing this dungeon will reward players with some great gear.

Shrine of the Storm:

This dungeon is set beneath the sea and is home to some of the most challenging bosses players will face in Mythic+15. One of the bosses is Aqu’sirr, who can summon various deadly creatures to aid her in battle. However, defeating Aqu’sirr and the other bosses in the Shrine of the Storm will reward players with incredible gear.

The Motherlode:

This dungeon takes place in a mining facility filled with various mechanical constructs. One of the most challenging aspects of this dungeon is the final boss, Mogul Razdunk, who has a variety of dangerous abilities that players will need to avoid. However, successfully defeating Mogul Razdunk will reward players with some incredible gear.

The Temple of Sethraliss:

This dungeon takes place in the desert of Vol’dun and is filled with various serpent creatures. The final boss, Avatar of Sethraliss, is one of the most challenging bosses players will face in Mythic+15 dungeons, as she has a variety of deadly abilities that players will need to avoid. Successfully defeating the Avatar of Sethraliss will reward players with some excellent gear.

Tol Dagor:

This dungeon is placed on a prison island filled with various criminals and guards. The final boss, Overseer Korgus, is one of the most challenging bosses players will face in Mythic+15 dungeons, as he has a variety of dangerous abilities that players will need to avoid. However, successfully defeating Overseer Korgus will reward players with some excellent loot.

Waycrest Manor:

This dungeon place in haunted manor filled with various ghosts and other undead creatures. The final boss, Gorak Tul, is one of the most challenging bosses players will face in Mythic+15 dungeons, as he has a variety of deadly abilities that players will need to avoid. However, successfully defeating Gorak Tul will reward players with some incredible gear.